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Common field properties

We call measure, dimension, and relation properties as field. The following properties can be used in fields:


The unique identifier of the metric. If you set the name, you can reference the metric from other metrics. The names must be lowercase and does not have any special character except _. Metriql will complain if the field names that has whitespace, non-alphanumeric, or any upppercase character.

name: total_events


The Metriql type of the field.

Available values are:

  • string, boolean, array_string, map_string
  • date, timestamp, time support timeframes
  • integer, decimal, double, long support custom formatting
type: string


The value that will be visible in the user interface. If the label is not set, the default label is name.

label: Total Events


If you have many different fields for different use-cases, you can group them under different categories by setting the category field. By default, the fields are not categorized.

category: Product



label: The country the user signed up from


If the value is true, the model won't be visible in the user interface.

hidden: false


An object that defines how the value will be shown to the end user. Currently, Metriql supports format_numbers.


format_numbers: 0.0%